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Slick University Mechanic in the Field Training

Our 24-month curriculum to develop our mechanics in these three areas.

Competency.  Character.  Leadership.

The Vision

We have the vision of creating a world-class, nationwide 'blue collar" workforce.


When Joe (our founder and CEO) started the company in 2016, we immediately saw an opportunity to invest in and inspire greatness from an often overlooked sector of our workforce.  So we wrote on the big oversized chalkboard on the wall of our first Hub in Baltimore what would become our first Slick Core Value:  We leverage technology but WIN WITH PEOPLE!  


That value hasn't changed.  That value will not change. 


We are all-in with our Slicksters! 

Real Work

We run a cash-efficient business filled with people who work hard, know their roles and our goals, keep score and execute.  It is in this environment that we grow and learn and advance as individuals and leaders.

Real Life

Slick University provides intentional coaching to spur real-life development.  We have developed a curriculum filed with practical life insights that affect every area of life making us better "Slicksters" and leaders but also better people in our communities and with the people we love.

REal Growth

The program is designed to give participants opportunities to continuously develop their competency (ASE certifications, Slick Product and Protocols Training) leadership skills (management training life-skills classes etc) and character (know the right thing, do the right thing).

Chris in

New Orleans

“I was hired as a mechanic.  I am now a "Market Manager" with employee shares.  I want this to be my last job before I retire."

Brandon in Arkansas

"Thank you for letting me be a par of this.  I lost my dad to cancer.  He was my hero.  It's hard to become a man when you still need guidance.  Slick has helped me more than anyone will ever know."

Ron in Philadelphia

"Thank you for everything you all do for me.  I can't express how wonderful it feels to be appreciated and a part of the team."

Job Application

Please complete the form to apply for a position with us.

Thanks for submitting!

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